Extend Great Features

Carefully designed, the extensions offers a suite of powerful customization options, allowing users to easily adjust functionalities to their needs.

The extensions

We have developed over 100 extensions.

Not only powerful but also versatile, the extensions can seamlessly integrate into existing systems, bringing unmatched convenience and efficiency to users.


Discover your favorite

The Extensions

Our extensions are designed with flexibility in mind, allowing for extensive customization to meet the unique needs of every user.

Search by Image - enabling users to discover products by uploading an image as the search input.

Image Translate - helps bridge language barriers, enabling global users to understand and purchase products.

Live Chat - Quickly resolves queries, enhancing the shopping experience.

Auto Currency & Language - automatically adapting to the user's location for a seamless and personalized shopping experience.

Search Feedback - collecting user input on search performance refines product discovery, making it more targeted and effective

Team Tickets - ensuring efficient handling of inquiries and issues.

Who we are

The Alien Team

Chris Anderson

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Chris Anderson

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Chris Anderson

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Chris Anderson

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Find out more

PayPal Invoices

Enable swift, secure, and efficient online payment and billing transactions for users.

Sales Report

Offers detailed analysis of sales trends and revenue, aiding in strategic business planning.

Cash Back

Rewards customers with a percentage of their purchases as a return incentive, encouraging repeat business.

Fee & Discount

Enables dynamic pricing and discount management to attract customers and boost sales.

Points to Credits

Converts points into credit, enhancing customer engagement by rewarding purchases and interactions.

Credit Reminder

Informs customers of their account balances, prompting further spending by highlighting available credits.

Ready to get started?